Tenant supports two Homeless Charities in Birmingham

One of our tenants at the Market, Mr Muhammad Loonat of Bidwalla (Fruit and vegetables) Ltd is a generous supporter of several charities and projects in the Birmingham area and we thought we should give a mention to his fantastic work.

Notably he has supported the AS-SUFFA Institute Outreach initiative for over 6 years which includes assisting the homeless in the city.


He also supports the SIFA Fireside. SIFA Fireside works with homeless and vulnerably housed adults in Birmingham to provide immediate help and achieve lasting change. It is our vision that all homeless and vulnerably-housed people in Birmingham can access the services they need to achieve a more stable, healthier life.


It’s always fantastic to hear stories of tenants helping these wonderful causes.

Market welcomes The Real Junk Food Project

Simon Edge and Rob Nixon at the Birminghsm

The Wholesale Market welcomed a regular visitor yesterday. Simon Edge is a co-director of The Real Junk Food Project CIC.

The Real Junk Food Project is a collaborative effort to bring about radical change in our food system. It’s a pretty simple idea with huge impact. Levels of global food waste are a disaster for our planet and the people that live on it. We save perfectly edible food that would otherwise not make it to your plate and make it available to all on a Pay As You Feel basis.

Everything we intercept is processed, quality controlled and distributed through our network of cafes, Sharehouses, Freegan Boxes, schools and community groups to #FeedBelliesNotBins.

The Market supports the Real Junk Food Project in anyway it can.

Simon is pictured with Rob Nixon, General Manager of the Birmingham Wholesale Market on Pauls Produce stand who had that morning donated produce which was destined for Birmingham’s City Hospital.

Market signs up for Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility

The Birmingham Wholesale Market are proud to have signed up to the Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility.

The Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility aims to boost the local economy through support to the local supply chain, creation of job opportunities and ensuring employees are paid a fair wage.

The Birmingham Business Charter for Social Responsibility is a set of guiding themes to which Birmingham City Council (BCC) will adhere and invites its contracted suppliers, the wider business community, other public sector bodies (including schools) and third sector organisations (including grant recipients) to adopt. In some cases, adopting the Charter is a requirement of specific contracts or grants. In all cases, adopting the Charter is a visible and recognisable sign of your organisation’s commitment to the local economy and its communities.

Find out more about the Charter here.