About the Market

We are proud to be the largest integrated market in the UK providing fruit and vegetable, fish, poultry, meat and plants traders on one site, a huge asset to the City of Birmingham.

The wholesale market has two market halls, the fish, meat and poultry section with 16 units and the fruit, vegetables, dairy and plants and shrubs with 62 units. There are additionally 9 warehouses all in new facilities, with each business unit fitted out to the specifications of the tenant.


Birmingham City Council in partnership with the tenants of Birmingham Wholesale Market relocated in May 2018 to new purpose built premises at the Hub in Witton, Birmingham, enabling the council to redevelop the existing site to deliver residential and employment opportunities.

Birmingham City Council purchased the freehold of the Wholesale Market space at the Hub in Witton and built a market “fit for the 21st Century”, they funded the development, making a significant contribution to the tenants’ relocation costs and worked with the tenants’ representatives, the BWFPA, to create a working environment at the Hub that will enable the traders to continue and grow their vital role as the essential catalyst in the region’s fresh produce supply chain.

The Wholesale Market is a vital catalyst for the economic well-being of Birmingham. Its importance is underlined by around 15,000 jobs in Birmingham and beyond being dependent on it continuing to flourish.